Wednesday, July 1, 2009

food for thought.

As some of my friends and family know, I am currently going through training to become a certified ERC, or Emergency Room Companion through VIBS, the Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk County ( The role of an ERC is to provide support for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, etc., arriving to the emergency room or SANE Center when the incident is reported.

Tonight at training, as is the case in each training session, I learned a very awful, surprising statistic;

In New York State, we have three times as many animal shelters as we have shelters for battered women and children. Now, certainly, even the strongest of animal rights activists can admit that this really should not be the case.

In the time it took me to post this blog, 17 women were assaulted, raped, attacked or abused in America (One every 16 seconds)... I'm a fast typer.

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