Monday, July 20, 2009

sorry doesn't feed the bulldog.

I guess we should be happy that Chris Brown is finally apologizing for the brutal beating of his girlfriend, Rhianna last February. I guess I've been in situations, and have experienced so much training that suggests an apology is simply one part of the abuse cycle, and sadly, not the end. (Hence, "cycle" means there isn't one). Too many times, domestic and sexual violence offenders apologize, re-entering what some call the "honeymoon phase" just to regain the trust of their partner.

Sadly, we don't hear apologies like this enough, and while I am glad Chris is supposedly seeking help, it feels like waiting for the other shoe to fall.

I am absolutely disgusted by the many women on Twitter, Blogspot, Facebook, and other social networking sites that are still expressing their love of Chris Brown. When will the day come that women will support eachother, believe eachother, and work together to create a safer world for all of us. Too often, we are called liars, and accused of "exaggerating" or "making it up for attention" when claims of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse are made. Since it is all too often that the justice system doesn't "believe" us, we owe it to our fellow women to show unconditional love and support for all victims, and unwavering reluctance to support offenders in any way. It's not just about changing the station when a Chris Brown song comes on. It's about standing up for all women, famous or not, and supporting the many wonderful organizations that seek peace and dignity in the lives and homes of all women.

Apology accepted. Behavior will never be.

Watch the video here..

Photo Courtesy

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