Monday, July 20, 2009

sorry doesn't feed the bulldog.

I guess we should be happy that Chris Brown is finally apologizing for the brutal beating of his girlfriend, Rhianna last February. I guess I've been in situations, and have experienced so much training that suggests an apology is simply one part of the abuse cycle, and sadly, not the end. (Hence, "cycle" means there isn't one). Too many times, domestic and sexual violence offenders apologize, re-entering what some call the "honeymoon phase" just to regain the trust of their partner.

Sadly, we don't hear apologies like this enough, and while I am glad Chris is supposedly seeking help, it feels like waiting for the other shoe to fall.

I am absolutely disgusted by the many women on Twitter, Blogspot, Facebook, and other social networking sites that are still expressing their love of Chris Brown. When will the day come that women will support eachother, believe eachother, and work together to create a safer world for all of us. Too often, we are called liars, and accused of "exaggerating" or "making it up for attention" when claims of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse are made. Since it is all too often that the justice system doesn't "believe" us, we owe it to our fellow women to show unconditional love and support for all victims, and unwavering reluctance to support offenders in any way. It's not just about changing the station when a Chris Brown song comes on. It's about standing up for all women, famous or not, and supporting the many wonderful organizations that seek peace and dignity in the lives and homes of all women.

Apology accepted. Behavior will never be.

Watch the video here..

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

swing vote.. a new favorite movie

Last night I watched a fabulous and inspiring movie that totally influenced my future plans.. even though I change my mind as often as my fave ice cream flavor (often). If you haven't watched Swing Vote, you really really really must. It tells a sweet story of a little girl who has faith in the American political system, and begs her daddy to vote on election day.. As the movie unfolds, we learn how his one vote decides the fate of the entire election. We see the fickle Presidential-hopefulls as they bribe and lie their way into his heart/vote.

One can only be happy to believe that each and every vote really does matter, even though we still use an electoral college, which I think is as absurd as carrying a wallet that doesn't match your handbag.

Not only was I lovin' every minute of this movie, the town, and the characters (in a Wayne County, small town, no one has any money kinda way) but I'm more and more seriously considering a career in some sort of politics. I do remember insisting to my mother in the car when I was a teeny thing (way long ago) that I could be the first female President. Thankfully, I think someone might beat me to it, which is fabulous, but I wouldn't mind a career in lobbying. I'd love to make a living convincing others that my way is the right way, and that my opinion is the right opinion. I do that anyways, in my daily life.

Photo Copyright

Saturday, July 11, 2009

the women hater's club.. aka the criminal justice system

As many readers may know, I've been training with the Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBS) to become a certified Emergency Room Companion (ERC).. Sorry about all the alphabet soup.. 

This training has involved a great deal of fact-finding, all if which has been totally disturbing.  According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV.. couldn't resist), the average prison sentence for men who kill their female partners is 2-6 years.  Women, however, are sentenced to an average of 15 years for the same crime, even though most women convicted killed in self-defense.  As many as 90% of these women who killed were being attacked, battered, or abused at the time they killed.  I'll never forget the face of one woman in a documentary, testifying from jail about fearing for her life as her boyfriend raped her with a hot curling iron, yet she is in prison for life, for killing this heinous man.

What reason could possibly account for a female killer deserving 3 or more times the jail time as a man who has committed the same crime?  Let's (not) mention the fact that over 60% of violent crimes are committed by men in the first place.. Now I'm no math whiz, but it all just doesn't add up.  I can only hope that my life as an attorney will bring us closer to a more fair, just society for all.. especially my fellow ladies. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

food for thought.

As some of my friends and family know, I am currently going through training to become a certified ERC, or Emergency Room Companion through VIBS, the Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk County ( The role of an ERC is to provide support for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, etc., arriving to the emergency room or SANE Center when the incident is reported.

Tonight at training, as is the case in each training session, I learned a very awful, surprising statistic;

In New York State, we have three times as many animal shelters as we have shelters for battered women and children. Now, certainly, even the strongest of animal rights activists can admit that this really should not be the case.

In the time it took me to post this blog, 17 women were assaulted, raped, attacked or abused in America (One every 16 seconds)... I'm a fast typer.

Photo Copyright

Saturday, June 27, 2009

a timely response to today's economy..

So get this.. my law school just became $50K richer.  Democratic Senator Brian X. Foley of Blue Point, NY wrote a fabulous check over to Dean Lawrence Raful in response to the crisis affecting New York State, and specifically Suffolk County, NY.  The cold, hard cash will allow Touro Law to set up a cutting-edge foreclosure and bankruptcy law clinic, which will allow students and faculty to provide free legal advice and services to local residents in need.  Be it those on the brink of losing their home, filing for bankruptcy, or simply those who sweat when the phone rings in fear of credit collection agencies, Touro will respond.  

According to the Touro Law website, additional funding has been secured from local banks including a $30,000 three-year commitment from Capital One Bank and a commitment from Astoria Federal Savings.

Go to for more information, and the full article.

Photo courtesy  From left to right: Touro Law Center Dean Lawrence Raful, Central Islip Civic Council Executive Director Nancy Manfredonia and Senator Brian X. Foley.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

oh snap.

But.. I did get a new, pink digital camera (the Fujifilm Finepix).  I can only go so far.

my law school bag.

So, those of you who know me well, know that I'm a true shopaholic.. so as you can imagine, when I got my acceptance letter, I immediately got a new bag. "My Law School Bag" (has a certain ring to it, no? Like a fab children's book..) was purchased at Henri Bendel's flagship 5th Ave. store. Bendel's fabulous Disturbed Stripe Tote featured two sets of handles, and a chic black and brown scheme, with gold hardware. Totally professional, right?

I began "previewing" my bag back and forth to work, to make sure she would be good to me. I remember being a little kid and wanting to wear my new school clothes SO BADDDD before the first day of school, but I wasn't allowed. Well, now I'm a big girl and I can do what I want.

Well thank God I did, because after a month or so of relatively light use (meaning, no law textbooks yet) the freaking bag couldn't handle macbook and a train pass. I returned to my friend Henri, (I love pretending stores are real people, and my friends) and they were fantastic enough to give me a complete store credit in return for my battered bag with the broken strap.

After surveying the bunch, and there were many many many, I decided on a bag known as the Bendel Beach Tote. Now, you'd never picture something as durable and great as this bag.. but she is wonderfuuuul. Seriously, check out the depth on that bag.

So I was faced with a serious dilemma.. be true to form and go with the pink with orange piping, or tone it down with a little blue and turquoise?

Considering the title of the blog, and the fact that I'm a bit worried about being taken seriously as a law student, I totally went with the blue.

Did you SEE the way that professor looked at the girl with the pink laptop?! That will not be me.

Photo Cpoyright